Alicia J. Rose is an incredible photographer and director. She takes photographs of musicians, landscapes and fairy tales. Her music videos of such bands as Holcombe Waller, Loch Lomond and Viva Voce are breathtaking.
I caught up with this busy woman recently....meet Alicia J. Rose!
How long have you lived in the Portland area?
Since 1995. I moved from San Francisco by way of Los Angeles.
Give us a brief history of your band/project:
I have been a professional photographer for the past 10 years or so, I have been directing for about 3, though I originally learned the basics of the craft in high school and college. In between then and now I spent a fat chunk of time making music as Miss Murgatroid - my accordion playing alter-ego. In the past couple years, I have made it my mission to learn the drums and sing - at the same time - my pal Shawna Gore and I have a basement stoner-rock band called White Widow. Unlike my relatively ambitious MM years, our entire goal for White Widow this year is to play one basement show in August. Time and date tbd. I have also worked a lot lot lot in the music biz - distro, venues - but your probably know all that. Recently I have started life as a manager - Holcombe Waller is my first client. We are having fun.
What’s the first song you ever learned to play?
Chopsticks on the piano, then Myrtle the Turtle on accordion.
What’s your favorite local venue to play? To see other bands?
I'm still a fan of shows at my alma mater Doug Fir, but recently have enjoyed the hell out of shows at Holocene, Valentines and The Woods.
Speaking of other bands, who do you like on the Portland music scene?
Oh boy - I am lucky in that my amazing musician pals slip me their records in advance of release - so i'm already obsessed with the new Laura Gibson and Matt Sheehy jams. I'm also totally crushed out by Wild Flag, Blitzen Trapper, Y La Bamba, Typhoon, White Hinterland, AgesandAges, Archeology, M. Ward, Dat'r, Thermals, Yacht, Helio Sequence, Menomena, Billygoat, Loch Lomond, Jared Mees, Monarques and of course Holcombe - the list is loooong and keeps getting longer. This town is completely on fire!
Tell us about a recent “Only in Portland” moment you might have had.
I feel like my most recent Only in Portland moment was actually in Austin during SXSW. We didn't have a legit showcase or party play for Holcombe, so we staged a very DIY PDX thing and hosted a bagel and mimosa brunch in our room for potential bookers/labels/distro etc where Holcombe played a stripped down set cozy on the bed. It went so well, and we had so many bagels left we did it a second time and it wound up with major PR coverage in the NY Times and NPR. We also gave out sinful artisan "chocolate downloads" graciously donated by the folks at Cacao. It was all very PDX in AUS. And worked out better than we could have ever imagined.
Finish this sentence: “I cannot live without_____”
My wonderful friends. Also - Delicious Pok Pok chickens and Chab'a Thai Pad See Ew, as well as my camera/s and my incredibly handsome cat Charlie.
Check out her stuff at:
- Dennise