Priory was one of the many fine bands who played at Rontoms during MFNW. 1071 FM KZME and KMHD2 did a live broadcast from the venue and things opened up with this fine band. They gave us one fine performance!
Greg Harpel is plays lead guitar for the band and shared some info about the band. Meet Priory!
How long have you lived in the Portland area?
We've all had varying residencies here in Portland. Brandon and Joe grew
up here and never got it out of their system. Kyle and I are from central
Washington originally, really only burying the tent stakes here in
Portland until recently. Being part of this musical project has really
been a big part of becoming regionally rooted.
Give us a brief history of your band/project:
Kyle and Brandon started collaborating years ago during their undergrad
phases. But they followed some varying, separate leads in varying,
separate cities after that chapter. But in 2008 they found themselves
back in the same town, very much so on the same page when it came to
songwriting. They started working together again and writing what would
become the Priory material. I jumped in during the second inning, tagging
a hook when appropriate/possible. Joe got jumped on the train during the
3rd inning stretch.
What is the first song you ever learned to play?
Me personally? Smells Like Teen Spirit. It was junior high and we were
passing a guitar and that song around like a bad cold. As a band, a song
that we wrote, was Lady of Late. That song survived from first jam to
first record.
What is your favorite local venue to play? To see other bands?
Mississippi Studios has been good and generous, a fond environment for all
of us. Always ideal. We had our cd release there this summer, we'd do it
again. Great sound, great room, great coordinators. We'll go there most
often to see other bands too.
Speaking of other bands, who do you like on the Portland music scene?
Our friends and label mates in Blind Pilot are a great crew. Typhoon and
several of the TLE bands have also been inspiring acts in the community.
Tell us about a recent "Only in Portland" moment you might have had.
I passed a garage sale where you got a free chai latte with a purchase at
a garage sale.
Finish this sentence: "I cannot live without_____" Dr. Scholls insoles. God bless the good doctor.