Wax Fingers recently played at a KZME sponsored show at Mississippi Studios. I didn't get to go to the show, but heck - this is better!
Meet....Wax Fingers!
How long have you lived in the Portland area?
Zac - I've lived in Portland just over 5 years from Florida.
Pete - I've lived in Portland for 7 years from Chicago.
Tommy- I'm from Portland, I will never leave.
Give us a brief history of your band/project:
We met on Craig's List...we're a Craig's List band. We all met on the "casual encounters" section, but decided our time would be better spent playing music.
What’s the first song you ever learned to play?
Zac - Taking Care of Business by Bachman Turner Overdrive.
Pete - No way, me too!
Tommy - I hate you guys.
What’s your favorite local venue to play? To see other bands?
Zac - Doug Fir is a great venue...the sound is wonderful and the staff is attentive and professional. Always fun playing there.
Speaking of other bands, who do you like in the Portland music scene?
Zac - Off the top of my head: Nice Nice, Yeah Great Fine, No Kind of Rider, AAN, Red Fang....I think I need to listen to more Portland based bands...most of the music I listen to comes from the Balkans.
Tell us about a recent “Only in Portland” moment you might have had.
Tommy - I stopped by a convenience store in NE Portland, like right around Killingsworth and 40 something... to grab some beer. A hooded guy burst through the door carrying a gun, I was right at the cash register with cash in hand as this was happening. The dude who was behind the cash register seemed to know the drill automatically, he kept his cool and began taking out the money and neatly placing it in a paper bag. It was eerily quiet in the store, I was the only customer in there and I was so scared I could barely move. The armed hooded guy's cell phone starts ringing, and his ring tone was that one song off of Yo La Tengo's album If Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out. I can't remember the name....anyways, I thought that was somehow a funny and terrifying Portland moment.
Finish this sentence: “I cannot live without_____”
Zac - Pete's guitar riffs.
Tommy - Yellow raisins.
Pete - My mommy.
Follow them at:
@waxfingers on Twitter