Sun March 2, 2014 - Sat March 8
Weeklong Residency @ Al's Den (under the Crystal Ballroom)
Music Nightly 7-10pm / FREE/ 21+
Posted by Matt
Host of "Subterranea"
Tue 10-11pm / Thu 11pm-Midnight
facebook/SubterraneaPDX | @subterranea

The weeklong residencies at Al's Den downtown have become a multifaceted jewel in the vibrant Portland night scene.
For seven nights, one musician "curates" a lineup that frequently pulls together some of the best talent in the city to perform in the intimate, historical - and at one time, notorious - little opium den of a room under the Crystal Ballroom. Shows are 7-10pm and it's always free. The creativity and intimacy often make nights in Al's Den feel like you've snuck into basement jam session
The (Mardi Gras) week of March 2 - 8 sees the always entertaining and frequently brilliant, multi-instrumentalist Sam Cooper on hosting duties. The lineup promises to span continents, eras and psychic dimensions. That last one may be an exaggeration, but you get my point. It'll be really good.
Sam Cooper & Co. - "Flowers Owls Hours"
A talented multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, Sam has created a uniquely intimate live production that blends natural showmanship with stellar musicianship. Whether he’s playing guitar, or piano, or mandolin, or any other instrument drawn from his arsenal of ability, the audience is inevitably pulled together with a shared experience of sing-a-longs, banter and even a “stump the singer” bit where an expected-to-be silly request like “Eye of the Tiger” might be transformed into one of the most heartbreaking and bittersweet ballads you’ve ever heard. Or he might improvise an entirely believable, and often hilarious, facsimile of the request if he doesn’t actually know it.
Sam released his first solo album, “Long Lost Love,” in late 2012. It’s a record of audio alchemy, a multi-tracked mosaic in which Sam sings his poetic, metaphorically-dense songs in harmony with himself and backed by his own instruments - guitar, piano, violin, accordion, banjo, bass, glockenspiel, mandolin and even the charango (a kind of Andean lute)… everything but drums, because there’s some things that just need another brain, and setting time is one of them.
Sun, March 2 - Chervona's leader Andrei Temkin breaks out a rare solo set in his "Chervona Bambino" guise. (Though one might expect surprise drop-ins) Chervona's energy and outrageous blend of gypsy-balkan-punk have spun thousands of Portlanders into sweaty dancing masses, and while Temkin may not be as loud as the Chervona powerhouse, he's sure to bring a range of traditional Russian and gypsy numbers along with his own irrepressible showmanship.
Mon, March 3 - The Builders & Butchers have been spreading Northwest voodoo soul for years now, packing tambourine and shaker-mad fans into gigantic rooms like the Wonder Ballroom and Roseland. Leader Ryan Sollee, who has launched a new band called Albatross ,will be sharing the stage with his multi-talented bandmate, Harvey Tumbleson for what could be a mystical moment.
Tue, March 4 - MARDI GRAS - Break out every good-time emotion and disinhibition you can muster. Jacob Miller & the Bridge City Crooners will be making the stage shudder with their stunningly authentic, high-energy jug band songs. Relentless washboard rhythm, a shining National guitar and their dapperly anachronistic clean-cut look that could come right from an Okeh Records publicity still have propelled the Jacob Miller band into high Portland prominence that past two years.
Jacob Miller @ PSU
Wed, March 5 - Amenta Abioto evokes a wide history of the African diaspora through a kind of improvisational jazz-soul-traditional-storytelling multi-complexity of music. Rhythmic loops, vocal impressiveness, ancient wisdoms and simple truths spill from her onstage.
Amenta Abioto - "Of Course Pretty"
Thu, March 6 - Jeremy Lee Faulkner (Ah Holly Family) brings his new band, the Final Dorm to spread their golden hued country rock that would fit perfectly into the 1967 Laurel Canyon scene (John Fogerty, the Byrds, Buffalo Springfield...)
Fri, March 7 - There is No Mountain is the name for married couple Kali Giaritta and Matt Harmon, who were formerly the core of the acclaimed group, the Ascetic Junkies. The addictive melodies of their songs are only matched by the wise and often tender lyrics that explore the meaning of collective unconsciousness and humanness in the unfurling Singularity with more smiles and toe-tapping than Jung or Kurtzweill ever anticipated.
There is No Mountain - "Owl Hymn"
Sat, March 8 - The Bottlecap Boys bring the weeklong residency to a climax with their raucous energy, skillful picking, brilliant lyrics and 21st Century intelligence that have earned comparisons to groups like the Avett Brothers and the Mountain Goats.
Every foot in the house = dancing.
Every foot in the house = dancing.
The Bottle Cap Boys - Cover of the Lumineers "Hey Ho"
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