A few years back, I almost had coffee with Storm Large. Almost. I walked out my apartment only to discover a flat tire. Alas, I had to cancel the visit and hope that some day I might meet up with Ms. Large to talk about music and her crazy a*s life.
I caught her one woman show, Crazy Enough, and was blown away by her singing and her talent. I was also caught off guard by some of the similarities of our lives but that's for another day and perhaps a different blog.
I did finally get to meet the lady when she came out to do a video shoot for KZME radio (thanks again for doing that, Storm!). Her schedule was insane but she made the trip to Gresham and spent about an hour with us. Check out the video by clicking here.
Recently, I zipped her an email to find out a bit more about the woman behind the cuss words. Meet Storm Large...
How long have you lived in the Portland area?
9 years
Give us a brief history of your band:
The Balls were originally a joke idea when Frank, (Dante's owner) needed his Wed slot filled. So, we were a joke, put together as a favor to a friend. Now I'm selling out the Schhnitz. Life is weird and awesome.
What’s the first song you ever learned to play?
I could sing anything I heard on TV or radio, even if I heard it only once. Impossible to say what was first, but I taught my teddy bear, Bowser, how to play "Cold As Ice" on a wooden spoon.
What’s your favorite local venue to play? To see other bands?
I will always have a deep love for that red sexy stage at Dantes, both for giving and receiving.
Speaking of other bands, who do you like on the Portland music scene?
Holcombe Waller is like getting a neckrub from a king. Kleveland rocks like you wish you could, Mic Crenshaw gives me goosebumps and Oracle is so cool, you'd never believe how sweet they all are. I mean, they're so good, they could TOTALLY act like dicks, but they don't. Same with the Decemberists, they should be snooty hipster pricks, but they're all very sweet. Weirdos.
Tell us about a recent “Only in Portland” moment you might have had:
I was going through a tough breakup about a year and a half ago and Mayor Sam Adams made me a mixed CD of hilarious disco music to cheer me up. I love this City!
Finish this sentence: “I cannot live without________________”
My friends, my coffee and a little rain.