How long have you lived in the Portland area? 4 years
Give us a brief history of your band/project: From the band's web site: The Physical Hearts are a rock ‘n’ roll band – there is simply no denying it. Anyone who disagrees needs only to listen the to the title track from the group’s self-released 2009 EP Fend Off the Tide to hear their unique form of rock in action. But more than that, The Physical Hearts are four talented musicians dedicated to artfully crafting melody driven, psychedelic-tinged roots-pop steeped in the music of their forbears, yet fearlessly driven to the front edge of contemporary rock and folkmusic.
What’s the first song you ever learned to play? As a band: The song "Physical Heart". It's on our new EP. The song is the band's namesake.
What’s your favorite local venue to play? To see other bands? Doug Fir, Mississippi Studios, The Woods...
Speaking of other bands, who do you like on the Portland music scene? So many...Blue Cranes, Run on Sentence, Black Prairie, Andrew Oliver, Scott Pemberton, Celilo, Resolectrics, Sleepy Bell, Rocky and the Proms, Loch Lomond...
Tell us about a recent “Only in Portland” moment you might have had. A group of hipsters approached us a few weeks ago as we we're loading gear into the Alberta Rose Theater and asked: "Hey guys, on their any cool food carts on this street?" Apparently, they were from SE.
Finish this sentence: “I cannot live without... air”.
The band is releasing a new CD on Saturday, March 19th at Mississippi Studios. Celilo and 1939 Ensemble are also scheduled to perform. Doors 8pm, Music 9pm. $10 21+ show.
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